our Portfolio and Services

  • Acting Airport / Station Manager

(Airport / Station Manager duties for airlines and partners as per their definition. This can be during the daily turnaround, hourly, weekly or as per request.)

  • Ground Handling Supervision

(Checking Ground Handling companies if all procedures are followed. This could be for an entire turnaround or simply certain tasks which the airline knows it doesn’t work well. Checks could be daily, in a certain pattern or random.)

  • Dedicated SLA Supervision

(Checking all partners if they follow the SLA agreements stipulated in the contract with the airlines)

  • Customer Service Training

(Diverse Customer Service trainings for airlines and partners as well as other companies. Trainings may involve Systems and Procedures, Customer Service Training such as basic aviation and cultures as well as per request of the client.)

  • Airport Operation Consulting

(Coaching’s of partners to improve services and KPI’s as well as adhearing to the procedures of the airline.
Assistance in station openings, helping to attain goals and solve problems.)

  • Dedicated Airport Service as per requests

(diverse task as per request from airlines or partners)

  • Dedicated Quality Checks

(Quality checks consist of checking following areas: check-in, gate, aircraft cleaning, baggage delivery, lost & found, ticketing, ancillaries and following all procedures according the Airline.)

  • Dedicated Ramp Checks

(Ramp checks consist of checking following areas: tarmac check, FOD, loading/unloading, baggage segregation, delivery and if all procedures as per airline are followed).

  • Dedicated Baggage Checks

(Baggage checks consist of checking following areas: baggage delivery arrival, baggage segregation, baggage delivery to the aircraft and all associated procedures from the airline.)

  • Dedicated Catering Checks

(Catering checks consist of following area: checking the right loading oft he aircraft, checking the amount and correct loading in the galleys and all associated procedures by the airline).